

我们认为作为客户和社区不可或缺的合作伙伴是一种荣幸, delivering safe and reliable energy to 1.34 million businesses, and families across our expansive eight-state service territory. 我们的近2,900名员工 work as one team, 致力于为客户的生活和我们称之为家的社区带来积极的影响.

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging

我们致力于打造一支能代表我们所服务社区的多元化员工队伍,以及一种包容所有人的文化. We recognize that each of our team members brings unique and valuable experiences, perspectives and talents to the organization. With our value of respect as our guiding force, 我们努力让所有员工积极参与,营造一种归属感的文化,让每个团队成员都能在工作中发挥最大的潜能,为业务成果做出贡献.


  • 建立人才战略,吸引和留住代表多元化多维度的人才.
  • 评估我们的内部系统和流程,为所有人澳门金沙登录提供公平和包容的体验.
  • Providing a variety of career development resources and tools for employees. These include tuition assistance, mentoring opportunities, 读书俱乐部, 还有一个大学合作项目,允许员工以更高的速度和/或折扣的价格获得大学学位.
  • 举办年度多元化会议,为所有员工澳门金沙登录提供交流和关注个人和职业发展的机会.
  • Encouraging participation in employee resource groups (ERGs). 我们的ERGs以员工为主导,鼓励成员之间的联系和归属感,同时也为组织澳门金沙登录提供教育和推广. 我们的ergg包括:
    • 追求, a women’s resource group
    • 分析在行动, a resource group for current and aspiring data and analytics professionals.
    • 新连接, a resource group for new employees within their first year of service.
    • 边缘, a resource group for racially/ ethnically diverse employees.
    • The Project Management Interest Group, a resource group for current and aspiring project management professionals.
    • The Veterans Engagement Team (VET), a resource group for military personnel and Veterans.



  • Promote racial justice
  • Advance DEI goals and diversify the workforce at all levels
  • 为其社区中代表性不足和服务不足的成员澳门金沙登录提供更公平的就业机会
  • 创建一个更能代表各种背景的员工队伍
  • 采取可衡量的行动,解决行业内的种族和性别差距,加快接触和澳门金沙客服网址支持那些遭受系统性种族主义的人的能力, poverty and economic disadvantages.

社区 and economic impact



服务1.在8个州800多个社区的3400万天然气和电力公用事业客户, our direct economic impact included charitable giving, compensation for almost 2,900名员工, 特许经营费用, payments to suppliers, 和财产, sales and use taxes paid to our communities.

Employee involvement

每年, 我们的员工慷慨地奉献他们的时间和才能来澳门金沙客服网址支持我们服务范围内的社区组织和非营利组织. 这种澳门金沙客服网址支持包括通过每月工资捐款和一次性礼物向联合劝募会的个人捐款. In 2023, nearly 33% of our workforce participated in the company’s annual United Way campaign, contributing at least their Fair Share (one hour of pay per month) for a total of $495,000. Combined with a 25% matching gift by the Foundation, 2023 giving to the United Way totaled nearly $560,000. 除了, almost 760 employees volunteered over 31,000 hours of their time, including nonprofit board service, mentoring to students in STEM education, coaching youth sports teams, and countless service projects.


The 大使项目 is a corporate initiative that began in 2008, providing more than 100 employees opportunities to serve and lead. 大使是澳门金沙登录在内部和外部环境中的积极代表, connecting people with concepts and information on a personal and relevant level, the essence of a grassroots program. Ambassadors are nominated and selected to serve two-year terms that involve volunteering, coordinating initiatives at a local level and participating in key community events. 大使在我们服务区域的每个州,帮助代表黑山澳门金沙登录公司参与社区活动. 



除了 to volunteerism by both our ambassadors and employees, we also regularly engage with our customers and communities. 我们的社区事务团队领导这项工作,并深入到我们服务区域的每个州. 每个州都有正式的社区参与计划,根据该地区的构成和需求制定独特的计划. Multiple tools are used for engagement, both formal and informal, including citizen advisory councils, community technician programs, periodic surveys of elected officials and direct community outreach.


安全 is one of our company values, a top priority in all we do and deeply embedded in our company culture. We are committed to being the safest utility company in the nation. This requires persistent, daily attention in everything we do. Every meeting of three or more employees begins with a safety share, a practice which contributes to keeping safety top of mind. 

Employee safety and wellness

In 2023, 我们的职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)总事故率(每200件事故率),000 hours worked) was 1.51,在美国天然气协会(AGA)同行公用事业公司中排名第二. Compared to 2022, we also achieved a 31% reduction in lost workdays in 2022. 我们的可预防机动车辆事故率(每100万英里行驶的车辆事故)为1.65 in 2023, a top quartile achievement among AGA utility peers. 我们还鼓励员工在一天内报告受伤情况,这在行业中处于领先地位, achieving reporting timeliness 20% above the utility average.

Employee safety training

我们的安全培训是通过讲师亲自指导和在线学习管理系统澳门金沙登录提供的,该系统可以跟踪完成状态和完成日期. 培训全年进行,频率取决于所需的法规和评估的需求. All online safety training is available in several languages. 所有的安全培训都是免费澳门金沙登录提供给员工的,并且可以在工作时间内完成.

安全 in our communities

我们的安全文化 extends beyond our buildings and into our communities. In 2023 we trained more than 7,300 first responders and excavators on emergency response and safe digging practices, 加强我们的承诺,以防止破坏我们的设施,通过扩大宣传, and communicated with every landowner who lives, 在我们的系统中工作或玩耍,关于如何在架空和地下电力和天然气管道周围保持安全. 澳门金沙登录公司还进行大规模的应急演习,以确保我们在发生自然灾害或其他需要的时候为我们的社区做好准备.



  • Let’s be honest, we all go to parades for the free candy. Whether you’re taking it from your child or grabbing it off of the sidewalk, 我知道,在刚刚过去的独立日,我们来自南达科他州的团队会满足你对甜食的喜爱! During this year’s Independence Day celebration, members…
  • 澳门金沙登录连续第二年获得内布拉斯加州安全委员会(NESC)的认可,因为我们致力于保护员工的安全. At their 45th Annual Awards Conference this year we received a Star Level 安全 Award, and also took home the Safest Company with Distinction Award in…
  • 各种能力的孩子和他们的家庭在内布拉斯加州的约克有一个新的地方去探索和玩耍. 5月发布, Peyton Parker Lane游乐场有几个包罗万象的游戏结构,从平静的感官区到户外乐器, massive swing sets and ziplines…
  • Employees from the Council Bluffs, 爱荷华州, 最近,该机构在米德兰联合劝募会的Shine Bright活动中志愿澳门金沙登录提供了他们的个人能量, helping to assemble bags filled with essential hygiene items such as soap, 洗发水, 护发素, clean clothes and dental products. 这些包是……