DIY tips to keep your home ahead of the game this fall

You might be basking in the warmth of these last summer days, but the cooler temps of fall and winter are rushing our way.  

不过,也不全是坏事. Cooler temps bring lots of awesome things — beautiful fall nights at the football field, 假期, 滑雪橇的日期, and cozy moments in front of the fireplace. 

Rather than dread the coming fall and winter, we like to embrace the good while creating a game plan for the bad, which will likely include higher energy bills. 幸运的是, by reducing your energy usage with these simple strategies, you can keep your bills lower and take steps to make a 更清洁澳门金沙登录的未来

Use these tips to prepare your furnace — and your home for heating season.

  • 检查过滤器. Now is the perfect time to replace your furnace filter. Starting the season with a new filter will ensure proper air flow and help keep the furnace functioning well. Shoot to replace the filter every three months unless you have a lot of pet hair in your home. If that’s your situation, you’ll want to replace it more often. 阅读我们的 一氧化碳安全页 澳门金沙登录警告标志.
  • 把杂物从炉子上移开. Sometimes, when our furnace hasn’t run in a few months, we inadvertently store things around it. This is especially dangerous if the stored items are flammable. Make sure to clear away the space around your furnace. While you’re at it, check vents in your home and make sure nothing is blocking them.
  • 测试你的恒温器. If your thermostat has been functioning properly for your air conditioner, it’s probably ok. 但检查一下也无妨. Turn the thermostat to heat and make sure that everything works properly. 相信我们, you don’t want to wait until your house has turned into a walk-in freezer before finding out t在这里’s something wrong with your thermostat.
  • 进行炉膛检查. 你的 furnace will be hard at work once the cold arrives. Make sure it’s in peak condition with an inspection from one of our experienced techs. An efficiently operating furnace will save you in energy costs. 考虑报名参加一个 服务警卫计划 为了额外的心灵平静. With Service Guard, a broken appliance isn’t an emergency.  

Ready to take your DIY energy-saving’s game plan to the end zone? Here are some other ways you can step up your game. 

  • 你的 门户网站: It’s hard to make smarter energy choices if you don’t know how your power is being used. Sign up for your 门户网站 to track the days and times when your household is using the most energy. 然后,进行所需的更改. 澳门金沙登录公司 新设计的纸质账单 也澳门金沙登录提供了这些见解.
  • 格林认为: Did you know trees and shrubs can help reduce energy bills by providing shade in the summers and blocking wind during the cold多风的月份? If you’ve been thinking about doing some landscaping around your house, now’s the perfect time. Just remember to call 811 before kicking off any digging projects.

These energy saving tips are just a piece of our commitment to sustainability and a 更清洁澳门金沙登录的未来. We’ve set climate goals to reduce electric emissions intensity 40% by 2030 and 70% by 2040 and to reduce natural gas emissions intensity 50% by 2035. To date, we’ve seen a 30% reduction in electric emissions and 33% reduction in natural gas emissions. 

我们也澳门金沙客服网址支持朝 电动汽车, offering significant rebates for electric vehicle 充电设备及安装. 阅读我们的 可持续发展报告 for more about our commitment to the environment.  

Now that you’ve got some DIY tips for preparing your home for colder temperatures, you can play a more active role in keeping your bills lower during the cooler months. +, planning now will mean more time later to curl up with a hot chocolate on that first cold, winter day knowing that you’ve done all you can to keep your family warm and your bills low. 


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